Inspire your students to develop a valuable connection with tefillah that will last a lifetime, by understanding the powerful meaning of designated phrases in Tefillah.
Program includes: 40 mini nuggets explain and discuss meaningful pesukim throughout davening Cards: Students receive a corresponding card to keep in their collection box. Poster: A larger version of the cards, hung in the classroom as a reminder. Application Tickets: Students write down a practical application of the passuk to be entered into a raffle. Reminder Stickers: Students can place in their siddur as a reminder.
Optional: Kabbalah Poster: Hung in the classroom, laminate and use with a dry-erase marker. Kabbalah Chart: For students to track their progress.
Includes Classroom Materials, One Set of Students Collection Cards
Grade 7, Grade 8
Please note:
Lamination is not available for Brooklyn pickup and shipping orders. Please do not request lamination unless you are picking up your order at the Lakewood Center. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible.
At this time we offer classroom setup materials only for General Studies. You can also browse themed bulletin boards by clicking General Studies in the menu.