A magnificent upper-elementary Haggada that students are excited to present at their seder table and teachers are excited to teach with!
• A Haggada for teaching סימני הסדר and a יהדות foldable booklet for teaching about the Yom Tov and its דינים.
– Includes the full הגדה של פסח text so students can use it at the seder.
• Available in both Sefardi and Ashkenaz format.
• Diagrams, charts and room for students to write notes on the teacher’s lessons.
• Colored cutouts for students to place into their Haggada.
• Focus Cards to add depth and dimension to each lesson, covering four optional focus points: אנו לומדים מכאן, אנו מבקשים, ההגדה מספרת, אנו מודים.
• Teachers choose where to include these ideas throughout the Haggada lessons and their students can add the cards to their Haggada using paper clips.
Please note:
Lamination is not available for Brooklyn pickup and shipping orders. Please do not request lamination unless you are picking up your order at the Lakewood Center. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible.
At this time we offer classroom setup materials only for General Studies. You can also browse themed bulletin boards by clicking General Studies in the menu.